Invited Tutorial Lectures

  1. F. La Mantia, “Dynamic impedance spectroscopy for operando battery materials characterization”, 2021 MRS Fall Meeting – Boston (Massachusetts), (2021).
  2. F. La Mantia, “Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy”, Graduate School on electrochemical Energy Systems – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany),(2021).
  3. F. La Mantia, “Frequency response analysis in electrochemical systems”, Doctoral School in Materials Science and Nanotechnology – University of Milan Bicocca (Italy),(2019).
  4. F. La Mantia, ”The making of ElIonT – An ERC Consolidator Grant”,
    International Spring School of Electrochemistry -Castellamare del Golfo (Italy),(2019).
  5. F. La Mantia, ”Electrochemical impendance spectroscopy: fundamentals and application for lithium-ion batteries”,
    Materials with New Design for Improved Lithium Ion Batteries -Romrod / Asfeld (Germany),(2012).
  6. F. La Mantia, ”Fundamendals in lithium ion batteries: effect of surface modification on the bulk process”,
    Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing (SMCBS)- Lochow (Poland) (2011).